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Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation By Lynne Truss >> Book review and Free preview
Language, English, Grammar
Fourth Estate
The book, as the subtitle suggests, is about the nuances of punctuation. What differentiates it from the average grammar book though is that it is not one - it does not cover grammar comprehensively, it focuses on the finer nuances of using punctuation marks that are typically missed/or get lost somewhere in all the content in the grammar books, and it is full of (attempted) humour.
The punctuation marks it focuses on include the Apostrophe, the Period, the Comma, the Colon and the Semi-Colon, the Brackets, the Dash, the Hyphen. And, a few others in guest appearances.
The punctuation marks it focuses on include the Apostrophe, the Period, the Comma, the Colon and the Semi-Colon, the Brackets, the Dash, the Hyphen. And, a few others in guest appearances.
This book is written for an average English-speaking person - the author has written in colloquial conversational English, not boring technical language. I see it as no more than an extended chapter on punctuation. However, a very useful one at that.
If you've been confused by the finer nuances of sentence construction involving the use of punctuation marks - this book might just put some of those dilemmas to rest for the rest of your life, or give birth to new ones. In any case this is a must read for anyone who is conscious of his/her usage of the English language, and wants to improve it.
Free download Link/Preview >>If you've been confused by the finer nuances of sentence construction involving the use of punctuation marks - this book might just put some of those dilemmas to rest for the rest of your life, or give birth to new ones. In any case this is a must read for anyone who is conscious of his/her usage of the English language, and wants to improve it.
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